Compassionately grown and ethically harvested animal products of any kind should be a standard for all industries. Profitability and convenience should never override safety, welfare and good practices in the care of animals. We believe all animals are entitled to a high quality of life and humane treatment in life and death, and are committed to the responsible use and ethical sourcing of all animal materials in our products. We are specifically against mistreatment and neglect of animals or acts that cause undue pain, injury or suffering.
Harvesting of animals is a part of natures cycle and must be done with empathy, care and reasonable intent. We do not support the exploitation, mal treatment and killing of animals primarily for use of their fur. We are a fur free and reptile skin free designer but also do not promote faux furs. We will continue to utilize leather and shearling, which are considered co-products of the food industry and remain a resource which should be utilized when possible.
Treating animals with care is important to our brand and company, and we encourage both our producers and consumers to help advocate for higher standards. We are committed to better practices and continued improvement of our own supply chain.